
Not a typical therapy session.

You won’t lie on a couch or constantly be asked, “How does that make you feel?” There won’t be someone repeating a rephrased version of what you said back to you, and sessions won’t include standardized worksheets. What there will be when you have a session with me is a partner.

Our sessions will sometimes feel conversational but always revolve around things that can help you grow. Everyone needs to push their comfort zone to grow, and I will push you to grow too in a safe environment where you will feel supported. Therapy is not always easy, and no one likes facing uncomfortable feelings like sadness or anger, but we need to address these feelings to cope with them.

Therapy is a process and takes time.

There is no magic pill for years of struggling as much as I wish there were, but I will not quit on you. We take on your struggles together. I will not only work for you but also with you.

Imagine feeling less anxious, no longer empty inside, and better about yourself. You will know how to handle your feelings and no longer feel helpless. Imagine understanding who you are and no longer questioning why this is happening to you. Now let me make this possible for you.

About Me

Who is your therapist?

Hi! I’m Josh, and I am a licensed mental health counselor ready to work. I use theories and techniques from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Gestalt, and Psychodynamic therapies.

Therapy with me looks like me giving you tools to cope with your symptoms while exploring your past and how you presently feel to help you become aware of what causes you to struggle. Understanding the cause will help you overcome difficulty dealing with it.

It is fulfilling for me to see a client improving from their struggles. I admire anyone who tries to overcome a difficult hurdle because everyone has struggles, but not everyone chooses to face them.

I always try to push my comfort zone and dive into anything that makes me anxious or uncomfortable, but I sometimes get stuck and need help!

Curiosity is part of me.

Having a curious mind helps me in sessions because it makes me want to know more about what clients tell me.

I am curious about exploring and finding different places or activities like a secret beach or an abandoned castle in my free time. I like the outdoors, so I always plan my next escape when home.

The mind is magical to me, which is why I have always wanted to become a psychotherapist. Most of our bodies help us physically, like walking or breathing. However, our brain helps us with things beyond what is physical, allowing us to think, feel, perceive, and be curious. That’s magical!

So, who wouldn’t like getting to work with magic?