Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

It feels like you are stuck because you are.

The same thought keeps replaying in your mind. Those thoughts disrupt your life, making it difficult to get through the day.

You want to stop those recycling thoughts because they are scary or make you worried. Those thoughts make you in constant fear of accidents or painful experiences. Maybe, you avoid some situations because of those fears.

Being unable to control those thoughts makes you scared that they will eventually rule your life.

You are not in control of your own body.

Over and over, you do the same action, whether it is checking, cleaning, or correcting. How many times do you need to make sure the oven is off or that you lock the doors? Every night you perform the same rituals to make sure it is safe to go to bed.

Some may call you particular about ensuring everything in the cabinet is in perfect order, but you know something out of order drives you crazy.

You tell yourself that you can stop at any time or find reasons to continue, but no one can continue to live like this.

These behaviors are getting in the way of your being able to live your life.

Free yourself from OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder).

There is no need to suffer anymore. Imagine being able to focus without those thoughts or behaviors interfering!

With help, you can free yourself from feeling stuck in a vicious cycle of doing the same repetitions over and over.

It is possible to reverse those habits and thoughts and eliminate responses to triggers that cause your compulsive behavior.

Don’t let being OCD rule your life. You can be free!

Let me help free you.

OCD can create uncontrollable urges and obsessive thoughts in response to various triggers. Those thoughts can force you to have repetitive thinking or actions that force you to deal with each situation similarly.

Using Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, I will help give you the tools you need to address these thoughts and behaviors so that your symptoms will no longer trap you.

You will learn to break the hold of those repetitive thoughts and compulsive responses. We can work to reduce the anxiety you feel from those thoughts.

These thoughts and behaviors will only worsen if not addressed, so let’s start immediately.

Let’s work together to overcome your OCD.