Self-Esteem and Performance

You’re frustrated with yourself.

Over and over, you try to make changes in your life, but you never see any results.

Work piles up, and you get criticized for doing poorly, which only confirms how you already feel about yourself – that you’re a loser.

When you look back at your life, you see failures.

Life is at an all-time low!

It feels awful to be stuck.

You have lost motivation to try because you feel helpless about how nothing is changing.

Nothing feels like it will work, so you tell yourself that it is pointless to try.

When you have some hope, you do not make any moves to try out of fear of failure.

Staying in this rut seems like the only choice.

You’re hard on yourself.

Have you heard that saying? You dismiss that advice because you feel you deserve all the criticism you give to yourself.

Think about how uncomfortable it makes you feel when you receive compliments.

Trust me when I tell you how there is something positive inside you.

Gaining some self-esteem is the beginning of being less critical of yourself.

Allow yourself to feel compassion.

When working with me, you receive compassion. Then, you will learn to have compassion for yourself.

In the beginning, you will feel resistant because of how poorly you generally treat yourself, but this will eventually change.

Once you feel more positive about yourself and understand why you look at yourself so negatively, you will see a difference in your life.

Positive performance comes from gaining self-esteem and confidence in yourself. These are the goals we will seek to achieve for you.

Stop the cycle of frustration.

No longer will you feel poorly about yourself and let those feelings prevent you from reaching your goals.

I will be there for you, and we will fight that critic inside you.

With my help, you will break this pattern and learn to love yourself.