
Finding time for therapy is challenging.

The daily grind of work, transporting children to and from school and other events, addressing the never-ending tasks at home, or taking care of others leave no time for you.

Driving to your therapist’s office after everything else on your plate seems like an impossible task.

Sure, it would be nice to have some ME time, but figuring out how is challenging.

Therapy is now available Anytime, Anywhere!

There is no more having to drop what you are doing, find someone to watch the kids, run to an office, and look for parking.

With telehealth, you can have sessions in any private, quiet place like your backyard, car, private office, or home.

Telehealth also makes it easier to reschedule when you need to cancel an appointment because of the flexibility of where you can do it.

If you face difficult things in therapy, at least make the process of getting to a session one you will not dread.

Telehealth is easy to do.

Using the HIPPA-compliant Zoom platform, we will have sessions online from my office to whatever private space you want.

Sessions are safe and confidential using the Zoom platform.

Before our session, you will receive an email reminder of our appointment linked to our Zoom meeting.

Don’t worry – telehealth works.

Since COVID-19, there has been a boom in telehealth services.

People still needed treatment even when they could not see clinicians in person. Then, telehealth started, and now it is here to stay.

Research shows how telehealth therapy services still benefit clients. Besides how convenient it is, telehealth helps allow clients to speak about their feelings in a safe environment where they feel in control while in the comfort of their home.

Don’t let life keep you from seeking the help you need.

Telehealth is a viable option that can meet your needs.

Contact me today, and let’s discuss what you want from therapy and whether telehealth suits your needs.