Therapy for Men

Suck It Up!

That’s what our early training taught us to do when something upsets us.

What are the expectations for men? Men must be strong, good providers, and not show any weakness.

As men, we learned that showing our feelings makes us weak, and as a result, it feels uncomfortable to do so.

But you feel crappy.

You feel like crying sometimes, but the tears don’t come out.

You get angry at others and regret it afterward. And your attitude toward others makes it difficult to have meaningful relationships.

It is hard even to know how you feel at times, and the inability to express those feelings comes from years of training to stuff those feelings rather than revealing them to others.

Let’s do what is best for us.

I understand how uncomfortable it is to acknowledge feelings. I received the same training as you – real men don’t cry or express their feelings openly.

The problem is that this mentality forced us to make ourselves appear stronger, even though we struggled inside.

In reality, this mentality caused us to be weaker.

We do not function as well as we should when we do not let our emotions do what they should, and it does not feel good.

Start small; start with me.

I do not expect anyone to start telling everyone how they feel right away. Our sessions are confidential, so no one else will know the feelings you feel embarrassed about sharing.

Through our work, you will begin to acknowledge your feelings and grow confident enough to share them with more and more people, allowing you to feel supported.

The experience will feel challenging to go against our “manly” programming. Still, I understand the difficulty and the importance of sharing your feelings and will not judge you for it.

Peace comes from expressing your true feelings. As men, we need to reprogram and cast off that manly mindset.

Contact me today, and let’s discuss what’s bothering you.